A TortoiseGit Plugin for Sublime Text.
Install it using Sublime Package Control.
The default key bindings:
- [alt+c] : commit current file.
- [alt+u] : update current file.
- [alt+l] : show current file log.
You can also call TortoiseGit commands when right-clicking folders or files in the side bar.
If your TortoiseGitProc.exe path is not the default, please modify the path by selecting "Preferences -> Package Settings -> TortoiseGit -> Settings - User" in the menu.
The default setting is:
// Auto close update dialog when no errors, conflicts and merges
"auto_close_pull_dialog": false,
"tortoisegit_path": "C:\Program Files\TortoiseGit\bin\TortoiseGitProc.exe"
Thanks to the authors and contributors of the following repositories, from whom I got useful direction: