wpgpCovariates is an R Package interface for downloading raster datasets from WorldPop FTP.
What is WorldPop? High spatial resolution, contemporary data on human population distributions are a prerequisite for the accurate measurement of the impacts of population growth, for monitoring changes and for planning interventions. The WorldPop project aims to meet these needs through the provision of detailed and open access population distribution datasets built using transparent approaches.
Installation wpgpCovariates isn't available from CRAN yet, but you can get it from github with:
# load package
Basic usage
After installation you should be able to use five main functions from the library:
- wpgpListCountries
- wpgpListCountryCovariates
- wpgpGetCountryCovariate
- wpgpGetPOPTable
- wpgpGetZonalStats
wpgpListCountries will return a dataframe with all ISO3 available on WorldPop ftp server.
wpgpListCountries(username = "ftpUsername", password = "ftpPassword")
ISO3 ISOnumber NameEnglish
1 ABW 533 Aruba
51 AFG 4 Afghanistan
101 AGO 24 Angola
151 AIA 660 Anguilla
201 ALA 248 land Islands
251 ALB 8 Albania
301 AND 20 Andorra
wpgpListCountryCovariates will return a dataframe of available covariates to download from WorldPop FTP for a country. This function could be used to query the name of the dataset which then could be downloaded for a country.
username = "ftpUsername",
password = "ftpPassword")
ISO3 ISOnumber CvtName Year Description
NPL 524 ccidadminl0 2000 Mastergrid ISO
NPL 524 ccilc_dst011_2000 2000 Distance to cultivated ..
Multiple countries can also be supplied to the function.
username = "ftpUsername",
password = "ftpPassword")
ISO3 ISOnumber CvtName Year Description
BTN 64 ccidadminl0 2000 Mastergrid ISO
BTN 64 ccilc_dst011_2000 2000 Distance to cultivated ..
NPL 524 ccidadminl0 2000 Mastergrid ISO
NPL 524 ccilc_dst011_2000 2000 Distance to cultivated ..
wpgpGetCountryCovariate will download a raster dataset based on ISO and covariate name.
> df <- wpgpGetCountryCovariate(ISO3 = "NPL",
covariate = "ccilc_dst011_2000"
destDir ="G:\\WorldPop_Data",
username = "ftpUsername",
password = "ftpPassword")
> df
[1] "NPL"
[1] "ccilc_dst011_2000"
[1] "npl_grid_100m_ccilc_dst011_2000"
[1] "G:\\WorldPop_Data/npl_grid_100m_ccilc_dst011_2000.tif"
wpgpGetCountryCovariate will return a list with the filepath where the raster was downloaded, RstName the full name of the raster, CvtName covariate name and the ISO
You can also download multiple covariates, for multiple years, or countries.
wpgpGetCountryCovariate(ISO3 = c("NPL", "BTN"),
covariate = c("ccilc_dst011_2000","px_area")
destDir ="D:\\WorldPop_Data",
username = "ftpUsername",
password = "ftpPassword")
Note that the above command will attempt to retrieve the full combination of ISO3, covariate, and year. If a user has a specific list of files to download, this can be supplied to the function as a dataframe instead of querying by ISO3, covariate, and year. This information is available by returning the detailed results from wpgpListCountryCovariates or from a previous return value from wpgpGetCountryCovariate.
# start by getting the available files
allcovariates <- wpgpListCountryCovariates(ISO3=c("NPL","BTN"),
username = "ftpUsername",
password = "ftpPassword")
# example: only want to retrieve 5 specific covariates from Nepal and Bhutan
data_example <- allcovariates[c(1,25,50,75,100), c("ISO3","Folder","RstName")]
# download the files to the tempdir() location and save the list to inspect
file_list <- wpgpGetCountryCovariate(df.user=data_example,
username = "ftpUsername",
password = "ftpPassword")
ISO3 CvtName RstName filepath
BTN ccidadminl0 btn_grid_100m_ccidadminl0 C:\\Temp\\btn_grid_100m_ccidadminl0.tif
BTN ccilc_dst160_2014 btn_grid_100m_ccilc_dst160_2014 C:\\Temp\\btn_grid_100m_ccilc_dst160_2014.tif
BTN wdpa_dst_2014 btn_grid_100m_wdpa_dst_2014 C:\\Temp\\btn_grid_100m_wdpa_dst_2014.tif
NPL ccilc_dst160_2014 npl_grid_100m_ccilc_dst160_2014 C:\\Temp\\npl_grid_100m_ccilc_dst160_2014.tif
NPL wdpa_dst_2014 npl_grid_100m_wdpa_dst_2014 C:\\Temp\\npl_grid_100m_wdpa_dst_2014.tif
wpgpGetPOPTable will download a CSV file of population based on ISO and covariate name. Function will return a dataframe with two columes "ADMINID", "ADMINPOP"
> df <- wpgpCovariates::wpgpGetPOPTable("AGO",2000,"G:/WorldPop_Data/",
username = "ftpUsername",
password = "ftpPassword")
> df
1 241457 34970.426
2 241458 349494.179
3 241459 7977.856
4 241460 2681.160
5 241461 97864.592
6 241462 77712.153
wpgpGetZonalStats will download a CSV file of ZonalStats based on ISO and covariate name. Function will return a dataframe with two columes "ADMINID", and name of the covariate
> df <- wpgpGetZonalStats("AGO","ccilc_dst011_2000", stat = "mean" ,"G:/WorldPop_Data/",
username = "ftpUsername",
password = "ftpPassword")
> df
ADMINID ccilc_dst011_2000
1 241457 1.56037065
2 241458 1.56037065
3 241459 1.61910718
4 241460 1.19869991
5 241461 0.85845653
6 241462 2.56389180